Qigong has over 90,000 different practices. Nei gong is one type of Qigong like Chilel or Wushu. Tai chi is a form of Martial Qigong, my practice is a blend. Sessions are curated to each individuals specific goals and needs.
Nei gong also read as Nei kung or Nae gong, is the internal side of Qigong practice. Its focus is energy cultivation such as inner alchemy.
My focus is to help you better observe your inner world and guide you thru integrating Natural Flow State Neiigong practice into your everyday life. Below are is some information on some of the ingredients that make up my practice.
I am simply the guide
Qi is life force energy, originating in China and is slowly being understood here in the West mostly thanks to acupuncture and acupressure being accepted as a true medical practice.
It is the spark that flows through our world. It lives in everything that has life, from plants, to the ground beneath your feet. Qi also flows throughout the entirety of our bodies, via our Meridian system, which acts like veins to our bloodstream. Moving vital life force energy through your organs, limbs and brain.
For this reason the better the quality your Qi is, the better you feel; sometimes only feel dim, and all we need is to work not only on the physical but on our energy body as well. By learning to use our vessel (physical body), and maintaining movement in your subtle (energy) body we find balance
Life Force Energy
The Chakras system originated in India, and has only began to become understood here, in the last 30 years. Fact is they exist! Its not some hippie whoo whoo nonsense and isn't based on religious beliefs. They go up your central axis connecting the outer world and filtering it for your inner world.
We talk about chakras, but how much do we really know?
Did you know?
They are directly connected to our endocrine system, which is why they affect how you feel.
Our organs absorb the good and release the bad nutrition, just like they can become toxic from the way you eat, drink or feel, our Chakras are the organs of our energy field. They metabolize energy feeding from the chi, that flows thru all of creation, in thru you.
There are 7 chakras within our physical body, the 8th chakra lies within our energy field just above our head.
Like funnels the wide part opens up about 1-2 inches in front of our body and the narrow side connecting to our spine. Our spine not only helps your physical body keep balance and connects the nerves from the brain to your body. It connects to your Chakras receiving information which affects our neurophysiology directly, connecting to our endocrine glands that alter our hormonal balance.
Brings divine feminine energy from our Root Chakra and springs into action when activated. When we work on our lower 3 Chakras it can be triggered known as a Kundalini awakening. It springs into action helping clear blockages in our subtle body which makes space for this energy to flow freely throughout our Chakras.
A beautiful sacred practice whose goal is to create a deeper bond with yourself, before you get too excited, this has nothing to do with SEX. Its a mindfulness practice focused on spiritual growth, aiming to purify the ego through disciplined mental and physical practice. It can be practiced in pairs or on your own. Using, eye gazing (or meditations if alone), breath work, physical touch and guided meditations.
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Be the observer
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