Honoring our body's intelligence, becoming the observer, and sharpening your awareness of self thru the power of meditation. As a meditation coach, I use both modern relaxation/breathing techniques along with Taoist & ancient Tantric philosophies in my practice.
Tantra has been diluted in the West, with many misconceptions. Walking a tantric life includes experiencing the fullness of life when the wind caresses your skin, when the sun kisses your face. Feeling your heart expand your intuitive nature, savoring each moment as opposed to rushing thru it.
Theory & Practice
Experience a Tantric sate of mind
Living passionately, letting go of what holds you back and learning to listen to your intuitive nature. Understanding our energy body in relation to life, mastering your reactions without getting caught up in them and finding balance.
Sometimes you just know something is missing, but you're not sure of what it is. I hold space for healing and searching souls. In here there is no judgment, there is no expectations of you, other than being open to yourself. Deepen the relationship you have within and the world around you.
I have found that the best way to understand whats happening within is by stepping outside into nature. Weather permitting, we step out of the studio into one of the local parks, or beaches, under shade or on a trail. Here we hold space for sharpening our senses before we point them inwards, before we explore our inner world.
I am simply the guide, honored to walk you through the blissful journey and transform into the highest version of yourself.
Weave into the world within and around you.
What is transformative tantra;
- Fredrick Lenz
Take the power of meditation effortlessly and just be.
Boca Raton Delray beach
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Be the observer
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